eHair Outlet offers high quality affordable human hair extensions online, in-store, and over the phone. Now that you've seen our pricing, are you a little curious about the quality of the hair? Well, one customer decided to test our high quality human hair extensions by dying our natural colored hair, purple ombre. She was going for a shorter look, so she decided to purchase our Indian Remy Human Hair Extensions in a straight texture for $21.00 a bundle. Watch the video below as she bleaches and strips the hair three times before she finally got the look she desired. Bleaching your human hair extensions can sometimes cause the hair to lose it's integrity and shape, but after bleaching her eHair Outlet hair 3 separate times, the hair lost very little of it's integrity. The hair has minimal shedding and little to no tangling.



Interested in purchasing human hair extensions for eHair Outlet? Shop online here.

February 10, 2015 — Yi Zheng